Kolkata Book Launch of ‘From Here to Denmark’
Delhi Book Launch of ‘From Here to Denmark’
Join us for the Delhi Launch of “From Here to Denmark: The Importance of Institutions for Good Governance” at the…
Press Coverage of 2023 Global Meeting
Media7.ma: The 16th global meeting of the Emerging Markets Forum, from October 10 to 12 in Marrakech Article19.ma: Vidéos –…
Harinder Kohli’s interview with Rue20
EMF Chief Executive’s interview with Rue20 Marrakech ahead of the opening of the Global Meeting of the EMF.
Background Papers for The Belt and Road Initiative & Global 2030…
As a part of the work behind EMF’s latest book, The Belt and Road Initiative & Global 2030 Sustainability, a…
Climate Funds: Time to Clean Up
Climate Funds: Time to Clean Up is a recent paper by Philippe Le Houerou, the Co-Chairman of the Eurasia Emerging Markets…
Book Launch Seminar: The Belt and Road Initiative & Global 2030…
On January 25th, in a hybrid format, EMF held a book launch seminar in DC on its latest book: The Belt…
RTP Interview with Harinder Kohli on Ten Global Megatrends
On the sidelines of the 5th Lisbon Conference, Harinder Kohli had the pleasure of speaking with Mário Rui Cardoso from…
World Economy after the Pandemic
Today, Emerging Markets Forum released a new report entitled ‘World Economy after the Pandemic.’ This paper focuses on recent developments…
OECD-EMF Declaration
4th annual OECD-EMF meeting calls for better global dialogue to ensure efficient post COVID-19 crisis recovery The Emerging Markets Forum gathered…
Sir Suma Chakrabarti new Co-Chair of the Eurasia Meeting
We are most honored and pleased to announce that Sir Suma Chakrabarti, has agreed to be the Co-Chair of the…
Philippe Le Houérou new Co-Chair of the Eurasia Meeting
We are most pleased to announce that Mr. Philippe Le Houérou, hasagreed to be the Co-Chair of the Eurasia Meeting…
In Memory of Jack T. Boorman
The passing of Jack Boorman is a loss to the Multilateral and International Economic Community. His contributions to the understanding…
In Memory of Dr. Isher Ahluwalia
All of us at the Emerging Markets Forum were saddened to learn of passing away of Dr. Isher Judge Ahluwalia.…
More in Memory of Mr. P. R. Narvekar
Mr. Narvekar, an Indian National, had a very long and distinguished career at the Fund that spanned four decades starting…
BRI gets international approval by Xinhua News Agency
百余名来自全球多个国家与地区以及国际组织的代表日前齐聚美国首都华盛顿附近的兰思当社区,就“一带一路”倡议6年来的建设成效和未来前景进行研讨。多国政商学界人士展示了“一带一路”在促进世界联通和推动相关国家经济增长方面的事例,对所谓的“债务陷阱”论调予以驳斥,并认为“一带一路”将为相关国家和地区的进一步发展拓宽道路。 六年“成绩单”获赞赏 在22日闭幕的新兴市场论坛2019年度全球会议上,来自全球政商学界的130多位人士重点围绕“一带一路”提出6年来的发展历程进行了讨论,论坛主办方还发布以“一带一路”在中亚和南高加索地区的实践为研究样本的新书《中国的“一带一路”——中亚和南高加索潜在转型》。 该书编写者、华盛顿智库百年集团主席哈林德尔·科利在接受新华社记者专访时指出,中国在哈萨克斯坦建造的铁路、在希腊建造的港口、在东欧建造的桥梁和在非洲建造的诸多建筑在全球范围都是高标准。“一带一路”是“完美榜样”,将“唤起全球对新兴市场的关注”。 会议期间,来自多个共建“一带一路”国家的人士介绍了“一带一路”助推本国经济增长的事例。巴基斯坦总理顾问伊什拉特·侯赛因对新华社记者表示,中国在巴基斯坦开展的诸多“一带一路”项目帮助巴解决了电力匮乏等问题。
Since its launch in 2013, China’s massive Belt and Road Initiative has become a highly talked-about global development initiative. We…
Book Launch in Kuala Lumper, Malaysia News Articles on the Book Launch Asia poised to become New Economy Book Launch…
2015 Beijing Forum for the Emerging Markets
Yuanchao Li, Vice Chairperson of People’s Republic of China, met with Emerging Markets Forum participants in Beijing: News in Chinese…
Astana Times, May 4, 2014: New Book Looks at What It Will Take Kazakhstan to Reach 2050 Goals Strategy 2050: ‘Kazakhstan 2050:…
Kazakhstan 2050: Towards a Modern Society for All
ASTANA – “Kazakhstan 2050: Toward a Modern Society for All,” a seminal 400-page book about the projected trajectory of development…
Today, presentation of the book “Kazakhstan 2050: toward a modern society for all” was held in the framework of the…
The 2013 Global Meeting of the Emerging Markets Forum
“Good governance is always easy and effective governance. We should have no doubts about democracy – it has a strong…
The Emerging Markets Forum in the News
The following news organizations have reported about the Emerging Markets Forum in the following articles: ABP News ABP News America…