New Book on Latin America
Latin America: A history of Economic Potential and Disappointment, and a Hope for Future Prosperity. Latin America and the Caribbean remain a puzzle. The region has withstood well recent world events; it has generally succeeded in achieving low inflation and a reasonable external position. However, despite its great human and natural resources, the region has…

New EMF Co-Chair-Rebeca Grynspan, Secretary-General, UNCTAD
On 19 March 2024, we met the Secretary-General of UNCTAD, Rebeca Grynspan at their headquarters in Geneva. Mrs. Grynspan confirmed to us that she was delighted to become one of our co-chairs. We had an interesting discussion and exchange of ideas on the tentative agenda of our 17th Global Meeting to be held in Washington…

Press Coverage of 2023 Global Meeting
Media7.ma: The 16th global meeting of the Emerging Markets Forum, from October 10 to 12 in Marrakech Article19.ma: Vidéos – L’Emerging Market Forum ouvre ses travaux à Marrakech sous la houlette du Policy Center for the New Sourh Al Aoula: Jt en Français Al Aoula du 10/10/2023 Maroc Diplomatique: Le changement climatique et la fragmentation…

IUJ InsightworX – Envisioning 2060: Opportunities and Risks for Emerging Markets
On March 6th, 2023, Harinder Kohli, CEO of the Emerging Markets Forum, had the opportunity to speak and discuss with students at the International University of Japan about Envisioning 2060: Opportunities and Risks for Emerging Markets. The book takes a long-term perspective of emerging market economies through 2060.

Mustering the private sector for development and climate in the Global South – Is it realistic?
Mustering the private sector for development and climate in the Global South – Is it realistic? is a recent working paper by Philippe Le Houerou, a Distinguished Fellow at EMF and former CEO of IFC, and his co-author Hans Peter Lankes, who is a Visiting Professor at the London School of Economics and a Senior Fellow…

2023 Global Meeting, 10-12 October 2023, Marrakech , Morocco
Our 16th Global Meeting will take place in Morocco from 10 to 12 October 2023 in Marrakech. It will be organized in collaboration with and hosted by the Policy Centre for the New South to coincide with the occasion of the Annual Meetings of the World Bank and IMF. The Forum will start with an opening session at…

The Future of China’s Belt and Road Initiative in Central Asia
On April 4, our distinguished fellow Johannes F. Linn had the pleasure of speaking at the Caspian Policy Center on the future of BRI in Central Asia. Johannes touches on key takeaways from two books: China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Potential Transformation of Central Asia and the South Caucasus and The Belt and Road Initiative…

The Belt and Road Initiative & Global 2030 Sustainability Book: Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan Background Papers
As a part of the work behind EMF’s latest book, The Belt and Road Initiative & Global 2030 Sustainability, a series of studies covering 11 countries in Africa, Central Asia, and Asia were commissioned. Each of these background studies provided critical research that informed the book. As a continuation of the initial four backgrounds paper,…

Background Papers for The Belt and Road Initiative & Global 2030 Sustainability Book
As a part of the work behind EMF’s latest book, The Belt and Road Initiative & Global 2030 Sustainability, a series of studies covering 11 countries in Africa, Central Asia, and Asia were commissioned. Each of these background studies provided critical research that informed the book. We will be releasing a number of these papers…

Climate Funds: Time to Clean Up
Climate Funds: Time to Clean Up is a recent paper by Philippe Le Houerou, the Co-Chairman of the Eurasia Emerging Markets Forum and former CEO of IFC, with help from Ieva Vilkelyte, a Research Associate at Centennial Group International. The study examines the plethora of green-climate funds created over the last 30 years to finance climate-related projects and…

Book Launch Seminar: The Belt and Road Initiative & Global 2030 Sustainability
On January 25th, in a hybrid format, EMF held a book launch seminar in DC on its latest book: The Belt and Road Initiative & Global 2030 Sustainability. The book discusses the progress of the BRI as it enters its tenth year after being launched in 2013 and becoming by far the biggest bilateral development assistance…

RTP Interview with Harinder Kohli on Ten Global Megatrends
On the sidelines of the 5th Lisbon Conference, Harinder Kohli had the pleasure of speaking with Mário Rui Cardoso from RPT about the ten global megatrends from Envisioning 2060: Opportunities and Risks for Emerging Market.

World Economy after the Pandemic
Today, Emerging Markets Forum released a new report entitled ‘World Economy after the Pandemic.’ This paper focuses on recent developments in the World economy, presenting scenarios for the global economy emerging from the COVID pandemic and through 2060, with the primary focus on Emerging and Developing Economies (EMDEs).

In Remembrance of President Benjamin Mkapa
Nearly a year ago, the world lost a champion of development with the passing of President Benjamin Mkapa of Tanzania. President Mkapa is remembered for having impacted countless lives in Africa, and Tanzania in particular, through his efforts to address many of the development challenges both during and after his Presidency. His unyielding fight to ensure availability of quality health services…

OECD-EMF Declaration
4th annual OECD-EMF meeting calls for better global dialogue to ensure efficient post COVID-19 crisis recovery The Emerging Markets Forum gathered on 30 April, on the occasion of the 4th annual OECD-EMF meeting, to discuss the theme of Emerging Economies in a Post-COVID World. During the Forum, participants focused on the extent to which the COVID-19…

Sir Suma Chakrabarti new Co-Chair of the Eurasia Meeting
We are most honored and pleased to announce that Sir Suma Chakrabarti, has agreed to be the Co-Chair of the Eurasia Meeting of the Emerging Markets Forum. Sir Suma Chakrabarti is Adviser to the Presidents of Kazakstan and Uzbekistan on economic development, effective governance and international cooperation. He is also Deputy Chair of the Kazakhstan…

Philippe Le Houérou new Co-Chair of the Eurasia Meeting
We are most pleased to announce that Mr. Philippe Le Houérou, hasagreed to be the Co-Chair of the Eurasia Meeting of the Emerging Markets Forum. Philippe Le Houérou was Chief Executive Officer of IFC from March 2016 to September 2020. Duringhis tenure at IFC, Mr. Le Houérou designed and implemented anew strategy aimed at creating…

In Memory of Jack T. Boorman
The passing of Jack Boorman is a loss to the Multilateral and International Economic Community. His contributions to the understanding and solution of the World’s problems were enormous at different stages of his life. They will be remembered and moreover will continue to have an impact for years to come. More than that, his passing…

In Memory of Dr. Isher Ahluwalia
All of us at the Emerging Markets Forum were saddened to learn of passing away of Dr. Isher Judge Ahluwalia. She was one of India’s most distinguished economists and a close friend of our Forum for years. She is a graduate of Presidency College and Delhi School of Economics, and received her PhD from Massachusetts…

The 2013 Global Meeting of the Emerging Markets Forum
“Good governance is always easy and effective governance. We should have no doubts about democracy – it has a strong foundation and flexible structure – let us design useful practices and processes in this framework. … Governance must be system based and policy driven. It reduces subjectivity and corruption,” Modi added. Read more: Asian News…