In Memory of Jack T. Boorman

The passing of Jack Boorman is a loss to the Multilateral and International Economic Community. His contributions to the understanding and solution of the World’s problems were enormous at different stages of his life. They will be remembered and moreover will continue to have an impact for years to come.
More than that, his passing is a shock for my family and I, as friends. We coincided at the IMF for many years, and then at the Emerging Markets Forum. We did not always agree about specific issues or solutions for specific countries. However, his views were always constructive and rational and certainly had a positive impact on me. More importantly, our relationship was one of camaraderie, warmth, and mutual respect, mixed with typical globalist good humor.
We will always remember him with affection. Our deepest sympathies to Hellen and members of his family. May he rest in peace.
From Claudio M. Loser
It is with great sadness that I share the news of the passing of John Boorman on Wednesday, January 6, 2021. “Jack”, as he was fondly known, served as Director of the Policy, Development, and Review Department (PDR), what is now the Strategy, Policy, and Review Department (SPR), from 1990 to 2001.
Mr. Boorman, a US National, had a long and distinguished career at the Fund starting as an Economist in 1974 and continuing through senior positions in the Asian and European departments, as Director of PDR, and then as Counsellor in 2001 (the highest staff position in the IMF). After his retirement in 2002 and through 2017, Mr. Boorman continued to play an active role in the Fund community, including acting as an Advisor to Management as well as in the Independent Evaluation Office.
Mr. Boorman was a highly influential figure in the Fund, who was well-regarded and respected by colleagues at all levels. He was known for his keen intellect and extensive institutional knowledge; and he has made lasting contributions to the development and implementation of Fund policies across the full range of its operations. Mr. Boorman played a key role in the Fund’s response to the transformation of the Former Soviet Union to market economies and in the Asian crisis. He was an inspiration and mentor to generations of Fund staff and will be greatly missed by his Fund colleagues and friends.
On behalf of the Fund, I would like to express our deepest condolences to his family, especially his wife Helen and to his many friends and colleagues.
From the IMF