Africa 2050 Book Launch, May 20. 2014 Kigali, Rwanda
Africa is at a critical turning point and what its leaders do today will determine where the continent will be socially and economically in 2050, and whether the fast-rising aspirations of Africans are met or crushed. Africa 2050 offers a vision of what could be – an Africa that meets the aspiration of its people and is catching up with the rest of the world in living standards and competitiveness. The book lays out a strategic framework and action agenda for realizing the bold vision. While the action agenda must be country-specific, Africa 2050 identifies 10 common priority that cut across the continent and argues that realization of the vision depends ultimately on pragmatic leadership, the quality of governance and how institutions work.
Kunio Okamura, Senior Special Adviser to the President of JICA presided over the launch which was attended by over 100 top officials from Ministries of Finance, Ministries of Economy, and Central Banks across Africa.
On May 23, two of the book’s editors, Callisto Madavo and Theodore Ahlers presented the book’s findings to the AfDB Governors.
The book was published by Oxford University Press in March 2014 and is also available on Amazon. Photos of the book launch event are available on
Event Photos